but i'm hoping (desperately) that it ends with a happily, or at least, contentedly, ever after. and also hoping (again, desperately) that my life doesn't continue in the fashion as pictured below (although they do have nice clothes and they look quite happy... but you know thats because they're just meeting up before they run off to their respective admirers. ...suckas.)

i don't have a lot of friends. but i do have what i believe is quality over quantity. i wouldn't trade any of them for anything. what i would like (or actually, by my age, the correct word would probably be NEED) is a couple of straight male companions. if only for the purpose of "you bring your friends, i'll bring my friends, we can be friends, do this every weekend". it's difficult meeting new people when a. you're unemployed b. you're no longer a student, and c. you live with 2 girls, one in the exact same situation as moi and the other nauseatingly committed to probably-most-definitely eventual husband. i don't even care anymore. so what if i'm 34, snuggling with my 7 puppies (because i hate cats) and cradling a whole cheesecake with fork in hand, no plate or knife in sight?! the prospect doesn't even phase me!!