Thursday, December 30, 2010

my mom

is sunphobic.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

i like to eat

SPICY AHI POKE. even though we almost had to battle some moke tittas in the parking lot, it was worth it. ONO SEAFOODS on kapahulu, you've given me one more thing from the aina to miss. next time i'm gonna ask for half spicy half shoyu... that'd be bomb.

Friday, December 3, 2010

no means no

i won't do it for any less than $1,000 more a month.
actually. make that $2,000.

Sunday, November 21, 2010


i spent a lot of time with my computer. i think it's giving me a distorted sense of reality. i notice after long weekends, or days where i just spend too much time on the computer, i have difficulty socializing. putting together coherent sentences... comprehending what someone is trying to tell me. i know i do this to myself, but i still blame whoever it was that created this infinite cache of information that i am allowed to access with the movement of my fingertips... yes, that is you, worldwide web.but other than that... been thinking a lot lately. don't want to be all dramatic and say these are life altering decisions, but, you know if you think about it, aren't all our decisions life changing ones? i'm trying to make that connection between idealism and realism, what i can have and what i can't, what's feasible and what's just... really hopeful. it's a difficult connection to make when my life has basically always been about instant gratification. they say it's when you're young that you should make these mistakes... but... i don't know, man. it just seems like a cop out.

and if you've made the realization that my grammar has slowly, but surely, regressed... it's just one of the sacrifices i've made coming to the motherland.

somebody get me out of the motherland.

Monday, November 8, 2010

go ninja go ninja GO

went out on halloween for the first time in 5 years. it sad that i actually find getting free candy infinitely better in comparison? but all in all, good people, good fun. and i pilfered some free candy off the workplace, so iza'll g.

Monday, October 18, 2010

best of both worlds

but pales in comparison the aina. man, growing up on the islands will seriously screw up your views of all other countries.

Monday, September 6, 2010

don't drink with your boss.

while possibly the number one rule (after not engaging in "relations" with) about the workplace, it just doesn't apply in korea. exhibit A: my co worker taking a "love shot" with my main boss. so, just in case you were wondering. yes, i am still alive. and yes, everyone is still drinking. yup.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

my new best friend

thought it'd be good to take up a hobby since making friends in the motherland is only going so well. meet canolita. we will be united in september... i wait upon the day with anticipation only a desperate woman could understand.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Dear Lord, I pray for Wisdom to understand my man, Love to forgive him, and Patience for his moods. Because Lord, if I pray for Strength... I'll beat him to death. Amen.


Sunday, July 4, 2010


i personally think sheepsclothingnyc should start outfit blogging. jus' sayin'. could give the other blogging divas a run for their money...


Saturday, July 3, 2010

take me back

back to dakine. all ova, mo' betta... moloka`i, i will return.
except probably to honolulu. moloka`i is nice and all, but something about all that red dirt and lack of humans is slightly disconcerting. man. been back in korea only one full day and already i want to go back. gotta git that money so i can spend my days in the ainnnaaa.
and baby. you know you one of the only reasons i want to be back.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

i make her say

oh oh oh oh. oh oh oh ohhh oh. oh man these are hot. like a llama is hot. or like how cousin it is hot.
prefall '10

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

and the party don't start til i walk in

and then it don't stop til 8 am. this place is going to kill me. i've yet to figure out how though. it's a tie up between work, parents, and alcohol.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


well will you look at that. here i was, thinking i couldn't possibly have a photo appropriate for the topic i want to address, when this baby comes up. i'll get to the point. i've been here for a good two months now and i still don't have friends that i am comfortable enough to demand a good night of debauchery from (of?). anyway. i miss going out with my friends, i miss being able to meet new people, and then reminisce about all the bad decisions that were made over a sobering meal of zippy's. ...i can't say i miss the surprise phone calls or texts from said "new friends", but hey. storys a story, right? but instead i sit at home, update my facebook and watch whatever english television is playing.

sometimes if i feel daring,
i go to the gym.


Saturday, March 20, 2010

teaching engrish

i know a fourteen year old kid who can write an essay on the differences between socialism and democracy. students that can tell me the names of greek gods, give me the rules/standards of prepositional phrases, and recite the first 10 multiples of pi. they're geniuses with the deceiving faces of prepubescent kids. these kids know so much and with their affluent family backgrounds and brains, it's almost guaranteed that they'll be roaming the ivy league school grounds within the next ten years. they'll be rolling in the dough (or still paying off college loans, although doubtfully, cuz samsung-CEO-daddy probably has that all figured out) by the time they're thirty. so how come i still feel sorry for them?
the standards that parents here have for their kids is unreal. korea had to pass a law that kids cannot be at academies (hagwons, tutoring programs) after 10pm, but there are still some parents that hire tutors to come to their homes and teach their kids until the wee hours of morning. uhm, hello? shouldn't your kids be sleeping? i end work at 10pm and the streets are littered with kids from ages 10-17, rushing home so they can study more, or finish whatever homework they've been given. no wonder they think american kids are so dumb! why do twelve year olds need to use words like, "fastidious, languish, connoisseur, slovenly"? they should be playing basketball, teasing the opposite sex, eating... sleeping!

but i mean... that's not going to stop me from giving them vocabulary tests, writing assignments, and ssat practice tests. i mean, it's not them paying me, it's their parents. and as long as that's the case, give the crazies what they want, right? right. then again, i'm the one who is in korea. teaching kids engrish. maybe if i was as smart as these kids, i would have gone to stanford. and i'd be working it real life at like... merrill lynch or on wall street or something...

ok you're right. i'd rather be teaching engrish.
but i'm jus' sayin.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

i'm creepy but...

i gotta say this takes the cake. when i was little, i used to sleep with my barbies. until one day my sisters asked me, "aren't you scared to sleep with your dolls? like... they might come alive in the middle of the night..." OH. well, can't say i was before, but uhm. YEA, that KINDA seems like a thought a little kid could feed and nurture until they weep their pants. man. look at the smile on her face. how do her body proportions even allow her to hold a knife? much less attack a fellow barbie with one? her head is so big compared to her little feet, wouldn't she just topple over? also, they're all barbies... isn't this kind of like suicide? in a creepy, clonetastic way? unless the other doll was ken. or kelly. or stacy.... but, judging from the face in the microwave, i'm pretty sure thats barbie, yo.

she's gotta be some kinda butcher though, i mean look at those kalbi cuts!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

spicy brains

high fashion resident evil. alice? you know you want this. and the zombie fights would just add to the rugged. HOT. is all i gotta say.


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

git it

you know you're straight up thuglife gangsta when you can wear floral prints like this.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

ramble, words, letters, ramble.

i'm sitting here listening to the jonas hermanos and creeping on facebook pictures and even i think i'm a loser. but until you start thinking i'm a loser too, let's just move on to what i came here to write about: resolutions.
not really new years ones, though, i guess... since it's kind of mid-february. close to one of my favorite holidays of the year... if only because underlies the excuse to overindulge in chocolate. but anyway. back on track because i seem to be running off on tangents here. RESOLUTIONS. i never keep them, they're always the same. but after looking through pictures on facebook, i gotta say there are some things i really want to start doing. i'd like to invest in a camera and document some of the better times as well as the bad. keep the memories vivid. it's a good hobby, especially since i will be in the seoul of korea soon, without friends, and you don't really need company when taking pictures... (there i go, solidifying my loser-status). another one of my resolutions has been to dress better. make use of my closet. the saying is, you should dress for who you want to become, everyday i throw on my sweatpants and sweater, and i can't say it's my lifelong goal to be a college student forever so, that's gonna need to change. my third resolution is to be less flaky. i'm the flakiest person, if i were a type of bread, i would be a croissant. a good croissant. but i'm not a croissant, i'm a human. and flaky humans=bad. no one likes a flaky friend.

and of course, these are all in addition to other the other self improvement resolutions that i make every year: closer to God, lose weight, learn to say no (this will never happen. i will probably forever be a pushover). and love more, judge less.

who knows, maybe 2010 is the year i follow through.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

beam me up, scotty

back to the motherland. back to my roots, back to the land of spicy rice cakes. except, even though i certainly look the part, it's not home to me. how am i supposed to find my 6'2, plaid-loving, surfer/skater, haole guy here? (not that... i've found him in hawaii, chicago, colorado or new york) ...but you know, i like my odds a little better back here on the mainland than up there in the homeland. i guess i just gotta start praying for daniel henney. praying hard.

real hard.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

gotta get it

i have to go back to where my heart is: honolulu, and the bluescholar's with their hi-808 song have only solidified that sentiment. also, why don't i ever see these kinds of phunky phresh boys in hawaii when i'm there? ...oh yea, cuz they're always with their hotata, surfer girl, well-dressed mates. baga.

Monday, January 4, 2010

book review

don't judge a book by its' cover. this is the main moral that shows like 'the hills' and people like paris hilton teach me. i'm sitting here, still in my pajamas with a look of horror on my face because these seemingly airhead girls make more money sitting on couches talking smack with their friends than i will ever make. in my life. SMART. GIRLS. they look like airhead girls who only know how to booze it up, gossip, date, and use the bathroom, but they have their own show and make more money rolling their eyes than an ivy-league graduate sitting in an office working 9-5 five times a week.
so. without further ado, i present my new years resolution: be a smarter stupid. i'm going to move to l.a., lose about 30lbs, go to bars/clubs that these girls frequent, and create drama. then, maybe one day i will be graced with my own show, where i can take trips to hawaii, go to the beach, go shopping, eat and drink and talk smack and make cash money millionaires from it.

it's gonna be amazing.