Saturday, February 27, 2010

i'm creepy but...

i gotta say this takes the cake. when i was little, i used to sleep with my barbies. until one day my sisters asked me, "aren't you scared to sleep with your dolls? like... they might come alive in the middle of the night..." OH. well, can't say i was before, but uhm. YEA, that KINDA seems like a thought a little kid could feed and nurture until they weep their pants. man. look at the smile on her face. how do her body proportions even allow her to hold a knife? much less attack a fellow barbie with one? her head is so big compared to her little feet, wouldn't she just topple over? also, they're all barbies... isn't this kind of like suicide? in a creepy, clonetastic way? unless the other doll was ken. or kelly. or stacy.... but, judging from the face in the microwave, i'm pretty sure thats barbie, yo.

she's gotta be some kinda butcher though, i mean look at those kalbi cuts!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

spicy brains

high fashion resident evil. alice? you know you want this. and the zombie fights would just add to the rugged. HOT. is all i gotta say.


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

git it

you know you're straight up thuglife gangsta when you can wear floral prints like this.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

ramble, words, letters, ramble.

i'm sitting here listening to the jonas hermanos and creeping on facebook pictures and even i think i'm a loser. but until you start thinking i'm a loser too, let's just move on to what i came here to write about: resolutions.
not really new years ones, though, i guess... since it's kind of mid-february. close to one of my favorite holidays of the year... if only because underlies the excuse to overindulge in chocolate. but anyway. back on track because i seem to be running off on tangents here. RESOLUTIONS. i never keep them, they're always the same. but after looking through pictures on facebook, i gotta say there are some things i really want to start doing. i'd like to invest in a camera and document some of the better times as well as the bad. keep the memories vivid. it's a good hobby, especially since i will be in the seoul of korea soon, without friends, and you don't really need company when taking pictures... (there i go, solidifying my loser-status). another one of my resolutions has been to dress better. make use of my closet. the saying is, you should dress for who you want to become, everyday i throw on my sweatpants and sweater, and i can't say it's my lifelong goal to be a college student forever so, that's gonna need to change. my third resolution is to be less flaky. i'm the flakiest person, if i were a type of bread, i would be a croissant. a good croissant. but i'm not a croissant, i'm a human. and flaky humans=bad. no one likes a flaky friend.

and of course, these are all in addition to other the other self improvement resolutions that i make every year: closer to God, lose weight, learn to say no (this will never happen. i will probably forever be a pushover). and love more, judge less.

who knows, maybe 2010 is the year i follow through.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

beam me up, scotty

back to the motherland. back to my roots, back to the land of spicy rice cakes. except, even though i certainly look the part, it's not home to me. how am i supposed to find my 6'2, plaid-loving, surfer/skater, haole guy here? (not that... i've found him in hawaii, chicago, colorado or new york) ...but you know, i like my odds a little better back here on the mainland than up there in the homeland. i guess i just gotta start praying for daniel henney. praying hard.

real hard.