i'm sitting here listening to the jonas hermanos and creeping on facebook pictures and even i think i'm a loser. but until you start thinking i'm a loser too, let's just move on to what i came here to write about: resolutions.
not really new years ones, though, i guess... since it's kind of mid-february. close to one of my favorite holidays of the year... if only because underlies the excuse to overindulge in chocolate. but anyway. back on track because i seem to be running off on tangents here. RESOLUTIONS. i never keep them, they're always the same. but after looking through pictures on facebook, i gotta say there are some things i really want to start doing. i'd like to invest in a camera and document some of the better times as well as the bad. keep the memories vivid. it's a good hobby, especially since i will be in the seoul of korea soon, without friends, and you don't really need company when taking pictures... (there i go, solidifying my loser-status). another one of my resolutions has been to dress better. make use of my closet. the saying is, you should dress for who you want to become, everyday i throw on my sweatpants and sweater, and i can't say it's my lifelong goal to be a college student forever so, that's gonna need to change. my third resolution is to be less flaky. i'm the flakiest person, if i were a type of bread, i would be a croissant. a good croissant. but i'm not a croissant, i'm a human. and flaky humans=bad. no one likes a flaky friend.
and of course, these are all in addition to other the other self improvement resolutions that i make every year: closer to God, lose weight, learn to say no (this will never happen. i will probably forever be a pushover). and love more, judge less.
who knows, maybe 2010 is the year i follow through.