i spent a lot of time with my computer. i think it's giving me a distorted sense of reality. i notice after long weekends, or days where i just spend too much time on the computer, i have difficulty socializing. putting together coherent sentences... comprehending what someone is trying to tell me. i know i do this to myself, but i still blame whoever it was that created this infinite cache of information that i am allowed to access with the movement of my fingertips... yes, that is you, worldwide web.

but other than that... been thinking a lot lately. don't want to be all dramatic and say these are life altering decisions, but, you know if you think about it, aren't all our decisions life changing ones? i'm trying to make that connection between idealism and realism, what i can have and what i can't, what's feasible and what's just... really hopeful. it's a difficult connection to make when my life has basically always been about instant gratification. they say it's when you're young that you should make these mistakes... but... i don't know, man. it just seems like a cop out.
and if you've made the realization that my grammar has slowly, but surely, regressed... it's just one of the sacrifices i've made coming to the motherland.
somebody get me out of the motherland.
your engrish is better than mine. really. tenfold.