Thursday, December 30, 2010
Sunday, December 19, 2010
i like to eat
Friday, December 3, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
and if you've made the realization that my grammar has slowly, but surely, regressed... it's just one of the sacrifices i've made coming to the motherland.
somebody get me out of the motherland.
Monday, November 8, 2010
go ninja go ninja GO
Monday, October 18, 2010
best of both worlds
Monday, September 6, 2010
don't drink with your boss.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
my new best friend
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Saturday, July 3, 2010
take me back

except probably to honolulu. moloka`i is nice and all, but something about all that red dirt and lack of humans is slightly disconcerting. man. been back in korea only one full day and already i want to go back. gotta git that money so i can spend my days in the ainnnaaa.
and baby. you know you one of the only reasons i want to be back.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
i make her say
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
and the party don't start til i walk in
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

sometimes if i feel daring,
i go to the gym.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
teaching engrish
i know a fourteen year old kid who can write an essay on the differences between socialism and democracy. students that can tell me the names of greek gods, give me the rules/standards of prepositional phrases, and recite the first 10 multiples of pi. they're geniuses with the deceiving faces of prepubescent kids. these kids know so much and with their affluent family backgrounds and brains, it's almost guaranteed that they'll be roaming the ivy league school grounds within the next ten years. they'll be rolling in the dough (or still paying off college loans, although doubtfully, cuz samsung-CEO-daddy probably has that all figured out) by the time they're thirty. so how come i still feel sorry for them?
the standards that parents here have for their kids is unreal. korea had to pass a law that kids cannot be at academies (hagwons, tutoring programs) after 10pm, but there are still some parents that hire tutors to come to their homes and teach their kids until the wee hours of morning. uhm, hello? shouldn't your kids be sleeping? i end work at 10pm and the streets are littered with kids from ages 10-17, rushing home so they can study more, or finish whatever homework they've been given. no wonder they think american kids are so dumb! why do twelve year olds need to use words like, "fastidious, languish, connoisseur, slovenly"? they should be playing basketball, teasing the opposite sex, eating... sleeping!
but i mean... that's not going to stop me from giving them vocabulary tests, writing assignments, and ssat practice tests. i mean, it's not them paying me, it's their parents. and as long as that's the case, give the crazies what they want, right? right. then again, i'm the one who is in korea. teaching kids engrish. maybe if i was as smart as these kids, i would have gone to stanford. and i'd be working it real life at like... merrill lynch or on wall street or something...
ok you're right. i'd rather be teaching engrish.
but i'm jus' sayin.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
i'm creepy but...

she's gotta be some kinda butcher though, i mean look at those kalbi cuts!
Saturday, February 20, 2010
spicy brains
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
git it
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
ramble, words, letters, ramble.
i'm sitting here listening to the jonas hermanos and creeping on facebook pictures and even i think i'm a loser. but until you start thinking i'm a loser too, let's just move on to what i came here to write about: resolutions.
not really new years ones, though, i guess... since it's kind of mid-february. close to one of my favorite holidays of the year... if only because underlies the excuse to overindulge in chocolate. but anyway. back on track because i seem to be running off on tangents here. RESOLUTIONS. i never keep them, they're always the same. but after looking through pictures on facebook, i gotta say there are some things i really want to start doing. i'd like to invest in a camera and document some of the better times as well as the bad. keep the memories vivid. it's a good hobby, especially since i will be in the seoul of korea soon, without friends, and you don't really need company when taking pictures... (there i go, solidifying my loser-status). another one of my resolutions has been to dress better. make use of my closet. the saying is, you should dress for who you want to become, everyday i throw on my sweatpants and sweater, and i can't say it's my lifelong goal to be a college student forever so, that's gonna need to change. my third resolution is to be less flaky. i'm the flakiest person, if i were a type of bread, i would be a croissant. a good croissant. but i'm not a croissant, i'm a human. and flaky humans=bad. no one likes a flaky friend.
and of course, these are all in addition to other the other self improvement resolutions that i make every year: closer to God, lose weight, learn to say no (this will never happen. i will probably forever be a pushover). and love more, judge less.
who knows, maybe 2010 is the year i follow through.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
beam me up, scotty

real hard.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Monday, January 4, 2010
book review
don't judge a book by its' cover. this is the main moral that shows like 'the hills' and people like paris hilton teach me. i'm sitting here, still in my pajamas with a look of horror on my face because these seemingly airhead girls make more money sitting on couches talking smack with their friends than i will ever make. in my life. SMART. GIRLS. they look like airhead girls who only know how to booze it up, gossip, date, and use the bathroom, but they have their own show and make more money rolling their eyes than an ivy-league graduate sitting in an office working 9-5 five times a week.
so. without further ado, i present my new years resolution: be a smarter stupid. i'm going to move to l.a., lose about 30lbs, go to bars/clubs that these girls frequent, and create drama. then, maybe one day i will be graced with my own show, where i can take trips to hawaii, go to the beach, go shopping, eat and drink and talk smack and make cash money millionaires from it.
it's gonna be amazing.

it's gonna be amazing.
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